Sunday, May 29, 2011

Announcements 5/29/11

Presider: Josh Kim
Scripture Reading: Matthew Chang
Greeter/Bulletin Usher: Bryan Lee
Offering Prayer/Usher: Brian Choi (prayer) and John Lee (usher)
Friday Worship: Pastor Paul
Sunday Worship: Sam Lee

Welcome to Palisades Youth Group Lord's Day Service. If you are new today, we welcome you in the name of Jesus!

1. We are continuing our Joint Service today until the end of May. Worship Service begins at 11:30 and Bible Study starts at 12:30.
Junior High Boys- Sam Lee
Junior HIgh Girls- Cindy Yoon
Senior High Boys- James Cha
Senior High Girls- Pastor Paul

2. Missions Offering: We are asking you all to prayerfully consider how you will give towards this project. We are funding this whole project out of our PYG Missions offerings. Please place your missions offerings in an envelope and check "MISSIONS" if you are designating it for the Harlem Explorers project. This will go directly to providing the crafts materials and lunch for the students we serve.

3. Care package for Chaplain Charlie An. Please sign up for supplies to send out to Chaplain An, as he serves over in Afghanistan in the U.S Military. Let us encourage him, feed him and support him through encouragement cards, and necessary supplies. Sign up sheet outside the sanctuary. All items must be in by the end of May. Please sign up and also please be prayerful. All items must be in by next sunday!

4. Harlem Explorers: June 11, 2011. We need everyone to help participate. We are making our own curriculum so we need your ideas of games, craft, bible study. Harlem Prep June 3, 2011, this Friday night! Please come if you will be planning on going to Harlem with us.

5. BIBLE READING - Please pick up your Bible reading covenant and check our reading schedule at the Bible reading link.

7. Beach/Great Adventure trip in the works, planning for June, 29,30, July 1.TBD

Next Week’s Servants
Presider: Katie Cooke
Scripture Reading: Grace Tak
Greeter/Bulletin Usher: Shannon Park
Offering Prayer/Usher: Yuni Chang (prayer) and Dan Lee (usher)
Friday Worship: Pastor Paul
Sunday Worship: Esther Hwang

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