Sunday, May 1, 2011

Announcements 5/1

Today's Servants:
Presider: Shannon Park
Scripture Reading: Saeun Yoo
Greeter/Bulletin Usher: David Jeong
Offering Prayer/Usher: Andrew Yi (prayer) and Dan Lee(usher)
Friday Worship: NONE
Sunday Worship: Katie Cooke

Happy Sunday! Christ is Risen!!! Welcome to Palisades Church’s Lord’s Day Worship Service! If you are new today, we welcome you in the name of Jesus!

1. Congrats to Pastor Rana and her family! Baby Zoe is born! May we continue to pray for their family, and Pastor Rana's recovery as she is on her maternity leave. Call her, Facebook her! She misses you all!

2. We are starting our Joint Service today until the end of May. Worship Service begins at 11:30 and Bible Study Starts at 12:30.
Junior High Boys- Sam Lee
Junior HIgh Girls- Cindy Yoon
Senior High Boys- Sam Lee
Senior High Girls- Pastor Paul

3. THIS FRIDAY: Harlem Explorers prep meeting! Please come. We will have worship and time of prayer.

4. Saturday! Harlem Explorers outreach May 14, 2011. Please come to church by 9:30 for prayer and quick departure. Please let Pastor Paul know if you will be coming. Whoever was at our Harlem Explorers Prep Night must attend.

5. Missions Offering: We are asking you all to prayerfully consider how you will give towards this project. We are funding this whole project out of our PYG Missions offerings. Please place your missions offerings in an envelope and check "MISSIONS" if you are designating it for the Harlem Explorers project. This will go directly to providing the crafts materials and lunch for the students we serve.

6. PYG Basketball team: Who ever is playing in the Basketball tournament, must sign up and pay Pastor Paul 25 dollars. Meeting after service,

7. Basketball tournament this saturday! Boys, you must meet at church at 7am. Be there on time. We have to register at Fairleigh Dickinson University in Hackensack by 7:45. All who want to come, please be at church at 7 sharp.

8. May 21, 2011. Jersey Shore Celebration. Led by William Graham. A night of worship and word by Billy Graham's grandson, William Graham. If interested, please let Pastor Paul know. The night of worship starts at 7pm.

9. BIBLE READING - Please pick up your Bible reading covenant and check our reading schedule at the Bible reading link.

Next Week’s Servants
Presider: Yeji Kim
Scripture Reading: Brian Choi
Greeter/Bulletin Usher: Sharon Lee
Offering Prayer/Usher: Tim Cooke (prayer) and Chris Kim (usher)
Friday Worship: NONE
Sunday Worship: Katie Cooke

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