Sunday, June 10, 2012

Announcements June 11, 2012

Welcome to Palisades Youth Group Lord's Day Service. If you are new today, we welcome you in the name of Jesus!


1) New Bible Study Teacher and Classes:
Jr. High Girls: Cindy SSN
Jr. High Boys: P.Paul
Sr. High Girls: P. Rana
Sr. High Boys: Sam Lee SSN

2) World Vision Sponsor Child: Each month we, as a youth group, will be supporting this 2-year old child. We will be supporting this child for 45 Dollars a month. That is almost 1.50 from each of you guys here, per month. Please continue to help our sponsor Child, Abishek grow in God. Let this be a time where you take heed to God's tremendous blessings in your lives and take a stand to bless and help this little child grow up to be a man of God.

3) Graduation Potluck Banquet Pool Party for Seniors and also a celebration for the 8th graders moving up. Sunday June 24th, after church.  More information coming. Location TBD.

4) Calling all volunteers! If you would like to volunteer at our Summer VBS from July 2 to August 10, 2012 please let us know! Please talk to Pastor Paul and give him the dates of  your availability. Volunteer schedule is flexible. You will receive community service hours.

5) Harlem Explorers June 23, 2012! It's the last Harlem for the Spring. There will be worship and a carnival.  If you are interested in going, please see Pastor Paul or Pastor Rana! Who is available to go?

6) Junior High Outing Saturday July 16th @ 11:30 am. We will be hanging out and fellowshipping at the mall. Please come, Junior Highers! Bring 20 dollars 

Please do your Bible Readings & your Daily Devotionals. JUST DO IT.

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