Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Post Retreat Strategy

This was what was given to us by Pastor Sam Choi (our speaker) and the sheet that was passed out post-retreat.

Post Retreat Strategy

Many awesome things usually happen at a retreat. The memories. The pictures. The spiritual high. The new commitments. The newfound hope.

But here’s the real challenge.
How do you take all that back home?

One thing is for sure. You won’t be doing it alone! Here are some tips for you to follow. Read them carefully. Apply as many of them as you can. Every soldier going into the battlefield needs a strategy.

1) READ a passage of the Bible a day: Hold onto the Truth!
• How do you stay in the Truth? KNOW the Truth. How do you get to know the truth? Read it.
• BUT, don’t try to read from Genesis to Revelations. Don’t torture yourself. Try the easier books first!

2) POST this reminder: God is not keeping score.
• No one can become a hero overnight. Are you finding yourself making the same mistakes over again when you go home? Remember…. God is not keeping score.
• Post the following verses up on your wall… or keep them on your desktop… or anywhere so that you can be CONSTANTLY reminded of these truths:
o Romans 8:1 Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus, 2 because through Christ Jesus the law of the Spirit of life set me free from the law of sin and death
o Romans 8:38 For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, 39 neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.
o Galatians 2:21 I do not set aside the grace of God, for if righteousness could be gained through the law, Christ died for nothing!”

3) KEEP and READ the Booklet: Never forget the blessings and lessons.
• God always told the Israelites to REMEMBER what He had done for them. There is power in remembering the blessings.
• Read through your notes everyday for the next few weeks. Read them until you know them by heart!

4) Clean your room: Fill your day with positive and productive actions!
• You know that spending 5 hours on the computer and in front of the TV when you get back home isn’t going to get you anywhere. Being lazy and doing nothing might open the door to temptations and negative thoughts.
• You can start by cleaning your room. But you can continue that by doing some chores around the house, doing your homework, being helpful to a friend or a sibling, etc. Be Christ’s hands and feet!

5) Don’t let stress get to your head.
• When you go home you might have loads of homework and winter break assignments to finish. But, so what? Take a deep breath and relax. You will get it done. You’re not alone, remember?

6) Remember... there’s SO MUCH MORE!
• Did you enjoy the retreat? Don’t stop there. That’s not where it ends. That’s where it BEGINS! Keep being hungry for more. Christ has so many better things in store for you!

7) Be Jesus to your family: Change always starts at home first.
• Want to be a blessing? Start at home. Your family might not respond to your “change” in a way that you expect them to…. But so what? You’re doing it for Jesus. Offer help around the house. Hold your tongue before you fight with your parents. Help your sibling with homework. Complain less and smile more.

8) Prove your priorities through your schedule.
• Have you recommitted to Jesus at this retreat? You can start by showing your commitment through the way you spend time during the week. Make Jesus a priority. Make time for Quiet Times, for Wednesday/Friday services, etc.

9) Walk by FAITH…not by FEELING.
• There WILL be moments when you feel discouraged, hopeless, and as if you’re not getting anywhere. There will be moments when you don’t “feel” like being obedient to Jesus. There will be moments when you don’t “feel” like you’re growing. But remember… your feelings don’t always reflect reality. Jesus said to walk by faith…not by feelings.

10) Read helpful books.
• Hungry to challenge yourself? Try getting a Christian book. There are so many resources out there. If you want recommendations, ask a teacher or pastor!

11) Use positive words.
• Your words have power. Do not sow bad seeds by using negative words against yourself and others. Use positive words! (I WILL change… Jesus LOVES me… I WILL overcome this..., etc.)

12) Fight to LOVE.
• No one said that loving others will come easily. You will not have happy, fluttery feelings that help you love after this retreat. Loving others is always a challenge. But, let’s accept that challenge and fight to love others!

13) Make your room a sanctuary.
• Instead of going home and taking a 4 hour nap and spending hours on the computer/TV, try a simple thing like cleaning your room. Make your room a sanctuary, a private place where you meet the Holy Spirit daily. Clean the junk; throw out negative things; post Bible verses; put inspiring images on your wall; play Christian music.

14) Ask questions.
• It is natural to have questions and moments of doubt. But, it’s what you do with those questions and doubts that matter. Don’t forget to seek the Truth. Ask the right people. PYG is blessed with many teachers and pastors that can help you get there.

15) Get involved.
• The goal after retreat is not just to go back to regular life and attend church for 2 hours every week. The goal is to begin being an active Christian.
• Join a student ministry in the PYG. Discover and use your spiritual gifts!

16) Enjoy your walk with Jesus.
• Do not feel pressured in being perfect. Instead, look forward to the joys in walking with Jesus!
• Be creative! Prayer time can look like having an Ipod in your ear and praying while you take a jog. Start a journal. Paint pictures. Enjoy the moment.

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