Sunday, October 16, 2011

Announcements October 16,2011

Worship will be in a different format for the Fall Quarter.

{{Jr/Sr High JOINT}}

Offering: Brian Choi (Prayer/Usher); Benjamin Ko (Usher)
Apostles' Creed


Scripture Reading {James 1:2-4, Matthew 11:28-30} - Chloe Kim/Michelle Lee
Lord's Prayer

Greeter: Michael Kim/Jin-Woo Kim
Friday Worship: Pastor Paul

Welcome to Palisades Youth Group Lord's Day Service. If you are new today, we welcome you in the name of Jesus!

Friday Meeting @ 7:30pm. Harlem Explorers preparation night.
Harlem Explorers this Saturday @ 10-1:30. Please attend, especially Senior Highers.

Holy-Win: October 31st. HELP!!! Lower Elementary Group is looking for volunteers to help out with the Children's Holy-win festival on Monday October 31st. If you are interested, please let Pastor Paul know. Meeting with Pastor Oh, of lower elementary group is today and next week.

World Vision Sponsor Child: Each month we, as a youth group, will be supporting this 2-year old child. We will be supporting this child for 45 Dollars a month. That is almost 1.50 from each of you guys here, per month. THat's two arizona iced teas. Let this be a time where you take heed to God's tremendous blessings in your lives and take a stand to bless and help this little child grow up to be a man of God.

Operation Christmas Child is coming up! Please save shoeboxes for the project. We'll be setting goals per grade today. Boxes are due Sunday, November 13th.

Winter Retreat: Feb 18-20! Retreat place finalized soon! Fees to be determined.
Please do your Bible Readings & your daily devos :)

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