Sunday, April 22, 2012

Announcements April 22, 2012

Welcome to Palisades Youth Group Lord's Day Service. If you are new today, we welcome you in the name of Jesus!


1) New Bible Study Teacher and Classes:
Jr. High Girls: Cindy SSN
Jr. High Boys: P.Paul
Sr. High Girls: P. Rana
Sr. High Boys: Sam Lee SSN

2) World Vision Sponsor Child: Each month we, as a youth group, will be supporting this 2-year old child. We will be supporting this child for 45 Dollars a month. That is almost 1.50 from each of you guys here, per month. That's two Arizona iced teas. Let this be a time where you take heed to God's tremendous blessings in your lives and take a stand to bless and help this little child grow up to be a man of God.

3) April 20th to May 20th. Starting from the 30-hour Famine, we are going to have this month, 30 days of Prayer and awareness for poverty and hunger. I highly encourage all of you to attend and be active these next few weeks. Some events include a coffee house on May 12th, snack bar sales starting next sunday to raise money for World Vision. Also, we will be going to the mall to bring awareness for Hunger..Please continue looking at the blog and texts/emails will be forthcoming.

4) If anyone is interested in summer missions this year, please let us know! I believe we will be going to Honduras.
5) This friday meet at church at 7pm. We will be going to the mall to raise awareness for hunger and poverty. More Information to come soon.

Please do your Bible Readings & your Daily Devotionals

Happy April Bdays! Hannah Kim 8th- 4/19, Tim Cooke 10th-4/20, emily park 6th 4/13

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Announcements April 15, 2012

Welcome to Palisades Youth Group Lord's Day Service. If you are new today, we welcome you in the name of Jesus!


1) New Bible Study Teacher and Classes:
Jr. High Girls: Cindy SSN
Jr. High Boys: P.Paul
Sr. High Girls: P. Rana
Sr. High Boys: Sam Lee SSN

2) World Vision Sponsor Child: Each month we, as a youth group, will be supporting this 2-year old child. We will be supporting this child for 45 Dollars a month. That is almost 1.50 from each of you guys here, per month. That's two Arizona iced teas. Let this be a time where you take heed to God's tremendous blessings in your lives and take a stand to bless and help this little child grow up to be a man of God.

3) 30 Hour Famine. April 20-21. 12am Friday April 20th to Saturday afternoon 12pm. Please continue to find sponsors and people who will donate. We will be having a snack bar sale after the famine to continue to raise funds for World Vision.
I hope and pray that all of you along with us to the 30 hour famine to support and pray for God's work and grace upon the countries in need.

Rules for the Famine: You can drink water, and even Gatorade and juice. No milk, chocolate milk, protein drinks, no smoothies.

Schedule of Events: Subject to Change.

Friday Night April 20--> Meet at church @7:30. We are going to Pilgrim Wave Revival.

Lock-in until Saturday Morning April 21--> Morning prayer at 5:30. Continue to fast together. We will worship together, and continue our famine activities, breaking our fast at 12:00 pm.

If you have decided to fast with us, please come to church both friday and Saturday.

Please do your Bible Readings & your Daily Devotionals

Happy April Bdays! Hannah Kim 8th- 4/19, Tim Cooke 10th-4/20, emily park 6th 4/13

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Announcements April 8,2012

HAPPY RESURRECTION SUNDAY! JESUS IS RISEN! He's ALIVE! He's conquered death and we are made new!
Welcome to Palisades Youth Group Lord's Day Service. If you are new today, we welcome you in the name of Jesus!


1) New Bible Study Teacher and Classes:
Jr. High Girls: Cindy SSN
Jr. High Boys: P.Paul
Sr. High Girls: P. Rana
Sr. High Boys: Sam Lee SSN

2) World Vision Sponsor Child: Each month we, as a youth group, will be supporting this 2-year old child. We will be supporting this child for 45 Dollars a month. That is almost 1.50 from each of you guys here, per month. That's two arizona iced teas. Let this be a time where you take heed to God's tremendous blessings in your lives and take a stand to bless and help this little child grow up to be a man of God.

3) Harlem Explorers outreach is April 14th. Meet @ CHURCH 9:30!
NO FRIDAY MEETING this friday the 13th.
3a) HARLEM EXPLORERS PREP MEETING today @1:30 in Pastors' office upstairs.

4) FRIDAY MEETING this friday @8pm! Bring a small snack! We will be discussing ideas for 30-hour famine.

5) 30 Hour Famine. April 20-21. 12am Friday April 20th to Saturday afternoon 12pm. We will be handing out Famine donation pouches for each of you to participate in and will be having a snack bar donation booth to sell to the church to raise funds for the country we will be supporting. Famine activities are to be determined. I hope and pray that all of you along with us to the 30 hour famine to support and pray for God's work and grace upon the countries in need!

6) Please do your Bible Readings & your Daily Devotionals

7) Happy APril Bdays! Hannah Kim 8th- 4/19, Tim Cooke 10th-4/20, emily park 6th 4/13