Sunday, September 25, 2011

Announcements September 25, 2011

Announcements September 25, 2011

Worship will be in a different format for the Fall Quarter.
{{Jr/Sr High JOINT}}
Offering: Michael Kim (Prayer/Usher); Chloe Kim (Usher)
Apostles' Creed
Scripture Reading - Brian Choi/Celine Kim
Lord's Prayer

Greeter: Sharon Lee
Friday Worship: Pastor Paul

Welcome to Palisades Youth Group Lord's Day Service. If you are new today, we welcome you in the name of Jesus!

There is a Friday Meeting @ 8pm.

Just a reminder: our 2011-2012 Officers! Jr. High Officers: Sarah Song and Jin-Woo Kim
Sr. High Officers: Sharon Lee, David Lee, Yeji Kim, Timothy Cooke, Michael Kim

Do you want to be a part of the Praise Team? Please let your pastor know!

CONFIRMATION CLASSES ARE CONTINUING EACH SUNDAY @ 9:30. If you are still interested, please talk to Pastor Rana or Pastor Paul.

October 15th- Starfield Concert: Please Sign up!

BIBLE READING - Please pick up your Bible reading covenant and check our reading schedule at the Bible reading link.

Friday, September 9, 2011

Sunday, September 11

Announcements September 11, 2011

Worship will be in a different format for the Fall Quarter.
{{Jr/Sr High JOINT}}
Offering: David Lee (Prayer/Usher); Joseph Park (Usher)
Apostles' Creed
Scripture Reading - Andrew Yi/Sannah Kim
Lord's Prayer

Greeter: Sharon Lee
Friday Worship: Pastor Paul

Welcome to Palisades Youth Group Lord's Day Service. If you are new today, we welcome you in the name of Jesus!

Just a reminder: our 2011-2012 Officers! Jr. High Officers: Sarah Song and Jin-Woo Kim
Sr. High Officers: Sharon Lee, David Lee, Yeji Kim, Timothy Cooke, Michael Kim

Do you want to be a part of the Praise Team? Please let your pastor know!

Confirmation classes to run from September 11, 2011 to April 1, 2012 with final ceremony on Easter Sunday, April 8, 2012. Please fill out application completely and bring to the first class with a $10 check.
Location: Room 109

Football Game on Friday or Apple Picking on Saturday?
Apple Picking Outing: September 17, 2011. There is no Friday night service on the 16th.

Harlem Explorers is back! Saturday September 24, 2011. Harlem Prep night Friday September 23rd.

October 15th is the Starfield Concert or a Big Day of Serving In Danbury, CT. The Big Day is like a One-Day Mission Trip where we work from sunrise to sundown. It costs $29 which covers meals and materials for the service day. We will get to meet and worship with other youth from the tri-state area.

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Sunday September 4, 2011

Announcements September 4, 2011

Scripture Reading: Joseph Lee
Greeter: Sharon Lee
Offering Prayer/Usher: Grace Tak (prayer) and Jessica Park (usher)
Friday Worship: Pastor Paul

Welcome to Palisades Youth Group Lord's Day Service. If you are new today, we welcome you in the name of Jesus!

Summer is Over!
Thanks to everyone for making this summer an awesome one! It’s now over and time to begin the new
school year! Have an blessed school year!!

Just a reminder: our 2011-2012 Officers! Jr. High Officers: Sarah Song and Jin-Woo Kim
Sr. High Officers: Sharon Lee, David Lee, Yeji Kim, Timothy Cooke, Michael Kim

Do you want to be a part of the Praise Team? Please let your pastor know!

Today: Kickoff BBQ at Pastor Rana's house! After worship! If you need a ride, please let Pastor Paul or Pastor Rana know!

Confirmation classes to run from September 11, 2011 to April 1, 2012 with final ceremony on Easter
Sunday, April 8, 2012. Please fill out application completely and bring to the first class with a $10 check.
Location: Room 017

Starting in September, we will be having boys and girls’ fellowship separately. This will be a time for the
girls and boys to have a special time getting to know one another. The girls’ fellowship will be led by
Pastor Rana. The boys’ fellowship will be led by Pastor Paul.
September’s fellowship will be a POTLUCK. Please bring your favorite dish (about 2-3 servings)

Apple Picking Outing: September 17, 2011. There is no Friday night service on the 16th.

Harlem Explorers is back! Saturday September 24, 2011. Harlem Prep night Friday September 23rd.

winners of the scavenger hunt: Josh, Sarah, Emily, Esther,