Sunday, July 31, 2011

Announcements July 31, 2011

Scripture: Hebrews 2:14-18
Sermon: Jesus Led the Way

Scripture Reading: Kevin Bae
Greeter: Shannon Park
Offering Prayer/Usher: Grace Tak (prayer) and Dan Lee (usher)
Friday Worship: None
Sunday Worship: Team B

Welcome to Palisades Youth Group Lord's Day Service. If you are new today, we welcome you in the name of Jesus!

1. Summer Chapel is going on now until the end of August for JR, SR and College students. Studies in Judges and Hebrews
1a. 10:30am worship team/sunday servants meeting each Sunday morning at 10:30 am
1b. 10:30am teachers/leaders (college) Bible Study each Sunday Morning

2. Bible study teachers:
Junior High Boys- Sam Lee/Chris Lee
Junior HIgh Girls- Cindy Yoon
Senior High Boys- James Cha/Aaron Baek
Senior High Girls- Pastor Rana/Sarah Rhee

3. Leaders Meeting on Fridays at 7pm. All leaders must attend. We will be preparing for the revival..

4. PYG revival: 8/19- 8/21. Pastor Carlos Reyes has been confirmed as our revival speaker. Get the word out! Our goal is to invite 10,000 people so invite all your 2,000 facebook friends :) Let's pray for revival!

5. August 10 to 11. Yankees or Mets Game is pending! Information forth coming.

6. Hope Church Basketball tournament - August 13th. More information coming.
7. Beach Trip: Last week of August. Let us know what dates are available for you all.
8. Pastor Rana's kickoff the school year BBQ- September 4, 2011.

Next Week's Servants
Scripture Reading: Michael Kim
Greeter: Jin Woo Kim
Offering Prayer/Usher: Simon Lee (prayer) and Sarah Song (usher)
Friday Worship: None
Sunday Worship: Team B

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Sunday Worship 7/24/11

Scripture: Hebrews 2:14-18
Sermon: Jesus Led the Way

Scripture Reading: Kevin Bae
Greeter: Shannon Park
Offering Prayer/Usher: Grace Tak (prayer) and Joann Kim (usher)
Friday Worship: None
Sunday Worship: Team B

Welcome to Palisades Youth Group Lord's Day Service. If you are new today, we welcome you in the name of Jesus!

1. Summer Chapel is going on now until the end of August for JR, SR and College students. Studies in Judges and Hebrews
1a. 10:30am worship team/sunday servants meeting each Sunday morning at 10:30 am
1b. 10:30am teachers/leaders (college) Bible Study each Sunday Morning

2. Bible study teachers:
Junior High Boys- Sam Lee/Chris Lee
Junior HIgh Girls- Cindy Yoon
Senior High Boys- James Cha/Aaron Baek
Senior High Girls- Pastor Rana/Sarah Rhee

3. Today's Fellowship: Bowling. Please bring your permission slips and we leave at 1:30 PM. Return at 4 PM

4. Leaders Meeting on Fridays at 7pm. All leaders must attend. We will be preparing for the revival..

5. PYG revival: 8/19- 8/21. Pastor Carlos Reyes has been confirmed as our revival speaker. Get the word out! Our goal is to invite 10,000 people so invite all your 2,000 facebook friends :) Let's pray for revival!

6. THIS Friday: Palisades Mall Scavenger Hunt. Please bring $10 each. This is for the scavenger hunt itself.

7. August 11 Yankees Game is On! We need 20 people to go that day so please sign up yourself and your friends.

8. Hope Church Basketball tournament - August. More information coming.

Next Week's Servants
Scripture Reading: Michael Kim
Greeter: Jin Woo Kim
Offering Prayer/Usher: Simon Lee (prayer) and Sarah Song (usher)
Friday Worship: None
Sunday Worship: Team B

Thursday, July 21, 2011

July/August 2011 Newsletter

NEWS: HELLO AND WELCOME TO THE NEW 9th Graders!! So excited to have you as part of our youth group!

July/August BIRTHDAYS!
Matthew Chang 7/3
Joe Lee 7/27
Sharon Lee 7/29
Katie Cooke 8/12
Pastor Rana Park: 8/12
Yuni Chang 8/13
Pastor Paul Hwang 8/16
David Lee 8/20
Emily Yi 8/22
Saeun Yoo 8/24

- Introducing our Sr. High Officers: David Lee, Kevin Bae, Timothy Cooke, Yeji Kim, Sharon Lee
Officers’ Meeting Fridays at 7 PM in Room 104. We will start planning for our August revival this Friday (7/22)
- PALISADES YOUTH REVIVAL is coming up AUGUST 19th/20th (Friday/Saturday) !!!
Speaker: Carlos Reyes!
- This Friday night(7/22): Special Praise and prayer night led by PYG Teachers.
- This Sunday July 24th- Bowling fellowship at Montvale Lanes, 2-4pm. Please fill out the permission slip!
- Tentative Beach Trip: AUGUST

August 19-20: PYG Youth Revival!
August 27: Beach Trip (TBD)

Fridays (7:30-9:45 PM):

July 22 – Special Praise and Worship
July 29 - Palisades Mall Scavenger Hunt Outing
August 5 – Worship and Bible Study
August 12 – Worship and Bible Study
August 19 – REVIVAL
August 26- Worship and Bible Study

Important Sunday Items:

• Bible
• Schedules: Sunday Worship begins promptly at 11:30 a.m. and ends at 12:30 p.m. Bible study is from 12:30-1:15 pm. Please wait for your child and refrain from calling their cell phones until 1:15 pm.
• Offering Envelopes: Please prepare your offering before entering worship. Envelopes are provided at the door.

**Bible Readings: Please go to our blog

Sunday, July 17, 2011


Scripture: Judges 16:23-31
Scripture Reading: Katie Cooke
Greeter: Jin Woo Kim
Offering Prayer/Usher: Yeji Kim(prayer) and Sarah Song (usher)
Friday Worship: None
Sunday Worship: Team A

Welcome to Palisades Youth Group Lord's Day Service. If you are new today, we welcome you in the name of Jesus!

1. Summer Chapel is going on now until the end of August for JR, SR and College students. Studies in Judges and Hebrews.
1a. 10:30am worship team/sunday servants meeting each Sunday morning at 10:30 am
1b. 10:30am teachers/leaders (college) Bible Study each Sunday Morning

2. Bible study teachers:
Junior High Boys- Sam Lee/Chris Lee
Junior HIgh Girls- Cindy Yoon
Senior High Boys- James Cha/Aaron Baek
Senior High Girls- Daisy Chang

3. Movie Screening- We will be watching TBD @ 1:45. Please attend!

4. Leaders Meeting on fridays at 7pm. All leaders must attend. We will be preparing for the revival.

5. PYG revival: 8/29- 8/30. Let's pray for revival!

6. Hope Church Basketball tournament - August. More information coming.

7. BIBLE READING - Please pick up your Bible reading covenant and check our reading schedule at the Bible reading link.

Next Week's servants
Scripture Reading: Kevin Bae
Greeter: Shannon Park
Offering Prayer/Usher: Grace Tak (prayer) and Joann Kim (usher)
Friday Worship: None
Sunday Worship: Team B

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Announcements July 3, 2011

Scripture Reading: Saeun Yoo
Greeter: Simon Lee
Offering Prayer/Usher: Josh Kim (prayer) and Tiffany Mun (usher)
Friday Worship: None
Sunday Worship: Team B

Scripture: Judges 6-8
Sermon: Gideon's Weakness, God's Strength

Welcome to Palisades Youth Group Lord's Day Service. If you are new today, we welcome you in the name of Jesus!

1. Summer Chapel is going on now until the end of August for JR, SR and College students. Studies in Judges and Hebrews.
1a. 10:30am worship team/sunday servants meeting each Sunday morning at 10:30 am
1b. 10:30am teachers/leaders (college) Bible Study each Sunday Morning

2. Bible study teachers:
Junior High Boys- Sam Lee
Junior HIgh Girls- Cindy Yoon
Senior High Boys- James Cha/Aaron Baek
Senior High Girls- Hanna Jun/Daisy Chang

3. Yard Sale/Car wash on July 9 (Saturday) to build a secondary school in Lenana, Kenya through the Supply Education Group. Remember Shawn the drummer from retreat? This is his organization. Please bring items for yard sale by Friday, July 8 to Room 017. Meet at Church this Saturday at 8:30 to prepare. If you would like to volunteer and make signs for the yard sale and car wash, please talk to Pastor Paul or Pastor Rana after Service. If no one volunteers, we're gonna pick you guys to help out :)

4. Friday Meeting TBD due to the car wash/yard sale on Saturday morning.

5. Today's Bowling fellowship after Church is cancelled. Rescheduled to a later date in July

6. Next week 7/10 fellowship : Swimming at Deacon Elaine's house (Tim and Katie) after church.

7. Hope Church Basketball tournament - August. More information coming.

8. BIBLE READING - Please pick up your Bible reading covenant and check our reading schedule at the Bible reading link.

Next Week’s Servants
Scripture Reading: Tim Hwang
Greeter: Shannon Park
Offering Prayer/Usher:Tim Cooke (prayer) and Joann Kim (usher)
Friday Worship: None
Sunday Worship: Team A