Sunday, March 27, 2011

Announcements 3/27/2011

Presider: Saeun Yoo
Scripture Reading: Andrew Yi
Greeter/Bulletin Usher: Sean Kim
Offering Prayer/Usher: Shannon Park
Sunday Worship: Yuni Chang
Fellowship Snacks: Sophomore/Junior Boys

Series: Living on Purpose
Week 1: Reaching Out
Scripture: John 4:1-42

1. Welcome to Palisades Church’s Lord’s Day Worship Service! If you are new today, we welcome you in the name of Jesus!

2. THIS FRIDAY: Bible Study and Care Package Day for Chaplain Charlie An. Please bring items to include in Chaplain An's care package (Non-perishable items, toiletries, etc.)

3a. Thank you to Harlem Explorers Participants! You did a great job yesterday! Next Prep day is April 11th (Friday). If you are participating on April 30th you must attend this Friday prep session.

3b. Missions Offering: We are asking you all to prayerfully consider how you will give towards this project. We are funding this whole project out of our PYG Missions offerings. Please place your missions offerings in an envelope and check "MISSIONS" if you are designating it for the Harlem Explorers project. This will go directly to providing the crafts materials and lunch for the students we serve.

4. Stations of the Cross Artists: Sharon Lee, Esther Hwang, David Lee, Yeji Kim. Continue to work diligently on your pieces. Please bring completed artwork to church by Sunday, April 10th. We look forward to seeing your inspired work!

5. BIBLE READING - Please pick up your Bible reading covenant and check our reading schedule at the Bible reading link.

Next Week’s Servants
Presider: Brian Choi
Scripture Reading: Tim Cooke
Greeter/Bulletin Usher: Matthew Chang
Offering Prayer/Usher: David Lee
Friday Worship(4/1): Sr. High (Pastor Rana)
Sunday Worship: Esther Hwang
Fellowship Snacks: Sophomore/Junior Boys

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Announcements 3/20/11

Presider: Michelle Lee
Scripture Reading: Matthew Chang
Greeter/Bulletin Usher: Yuni Chang
Offering Prayer/Usher: Saeun Yoo
Friday Worship(3/25): NONE - Community Service Harlem Explorers on Saturday
Sunday Worship: Yuni Chang
Fellowship Snacks: Sophomore Girls

Series: Secrets to Praying Well
Week 2: How to Pray
Scripture: Psalm 31

1. Welcome to Palisades Church’s Lord’s Day Worship Service! If you are new today, we welcome you in the name of Jesus!

2. NO FRIDAY MEETING - Community Service on Saturday, March 26

3a. HARLEM EXPLORERS PREP TODAY!!! We still have to complete 1) Praise 2) Curriculum 3) Arts & Crafts so please come to Pastors' office right after service. Get your lunch and come ASAP. We will be prepping since we are not meeting this Friday.

3b. THIS Saturday - HARLEM EXPLORERS! This is our first time so please come to church by 9:30 AM so we can get there in time to prepare and give our best to the kids we're serving.

3c. Missions Offering: We are asking you all to prayerfully consider how you will give towards this project. We are funding this whole project out of our PYG Missions offerings. Please place your missions offerings in an envelope and check "MISSIONS" if you are designating it for the Harlem Explorers project. This will go directly to providing the crafts materials and lunch for the students we serve.

4. Are you ARTISTIC?? This year we will be doing a Stations of the Cross Project. We are asking all artists to give us their interpretation of one station. This project is due Sunday, April 10 and will be displayed at our church for the two weeks prior to Easter, especially Passion Week and Good Friday. Each art display should be a minimum of 20 inches tall. It can be any medium, any style and must include the given scripture passage. If you are interested, please talk to Pastor Rana and get started.

5. BIBLE READING - Please pick up your Bible reading covenant and check our reading schedule at the Bible reading link.

Next Week’s Servants
Presider: Saeun Yoo
Scripture Reading: Andrew Yi
Greeter/Bulletin Usher: Sean Kim
Offering Prayer/Usher: Shannon Park
Friday Worship(3/25): NONE - Community Service Harlem Explorers on Saturday
Sunday Worship: Esther Hwang
Fellowship Snacks: Sophomore/Junior Boys

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Announcements 3/13/11

Presider: Tim Hwang
Scripture Reading: Sharon Lee
Greeter/Bulletin Usher: Yeji Kim
Offering Prayer/Usher: Andrew Yi
Sunday Worship: Pastor Rana Park
Fellowship Snacks: Freshmen Girls

Series: Secrets to Praying Well
Week 1: Why We Pray
Scripture: 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18; James 5:13-18

1. Welcome to Palisades Church’s Lord’s Day Worship Service! If you are new today, we welcome you in the name of Jesus!

2. This Friday, March 18 -- is the Ahn Trio Concert. Please purchase tickets as we have many many tickets available ($20 each). Invite all of your friends to share in fellowship and good music in Englewood.
We depart church at 7:20 SHARP so please don't be late.
We will return between 10:30/11 PM

3a. New Community Service: From March to June we will be going to Harlem to serve the children there with a Saturday VBS. This will require lots of Sr. High participation for planning (yes, we do it all - run the whole program) so look on our blog for all service dates(Saturday) and planning dates(Fridays). Please sign-up if you're interested in participating in a certain part: Praise & Worship/Body Worship, Arts & Crafts, Games. We will all lead Bible study lessons for the children. Our first one is coming up Saturday, March 26th!
3b. Missions Offering: We are asking you all to prayerfully consider how you will give towards this project. We are funding this whole project out of our PYG Missions offerings. Please place your missions offerings in an envelope and check "MISSIONS" if you are designating it for the Harlem Explorers project. This will go directly to providing the crafts materials and lunch for the students we serve.

4. Are you ARTISTIC?? Lent is starting March 9. And this year we will be doing a Stations of the Cross Project. We are asking all artists to give us their interpretation of one station. This project is due Sunday, April 10 and will be displayed at our church for the two weeks prior to Easter, especially Passion Week and Good Friday. Each art display should be a minimum of 20 inches tall. It can be any medium, any style and must include the given scripture passage. If you are interested, please talk to Pastor Rana and get started.

5. BIBLE READING - Please pick up your Bible reading covenant and check our reading schedule at the Bible reading link.

Next Week’s Servants
Presider: Michelle Lee
Scripture Reading: Matthew Chang
Greeter/Bulletin Usher: Yuni Chang
Offering Prayer/Usher: Saeun Yoo
Friday Worship(3/18): NONE Ahn Trio Concert
Sunday Worship: Yuni Chang
Fellowship Snacks: Sophomore Girls

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Announcements 3/6/11

Presider: Yeji Kim
Scripture Reading: Jason Kim
Greeter/Bulletin Usher: Andrew Yi
Offering Prayer/Usher: Simon Lee
Friday Worship(3/11): Jr. High Band
Sunday Worship: Esther Hwang
Fellowship Snacks: Freshmen/Sophomore Boys

Scripture: 2 Timothy 4:1-5
Sermon Title: Be Prepared Always

1. Welcome to Palisades Church’s Lord’s Day Worship Service! If you are new today, we welcome you in the name of Jesus!

2. This Friday, March 11 -- is Harlem Explorers Preparation Day. Please come to this meeting if you will be participating at our first service date on March 26th (Saturday).
And, please sign up on the bulletin board to indicate what you would like to do.

3. New Community Service: From March to June we will be going to Harlem to serve the children there with a Saturday VBS. This will require lots of Sr. High participation for planning (yes, we do it all - run the whole program) so look on our blog for all service dates(Saturday) and planning dates(Fridays). Please sign-up if you're interested in participating in a certain part: Praise & Worship/Body Worship, Arts & Crafts, Games. We will all lead Bible study lessons for the children. Our first one is coming up Saturday, March 26th!
3c. Missions Offering: We are asking you all to prayerfully consider how you will give towards this project. We are funding this whole project out of our PYG Missions offerings. Please place your missions offerings in an envelope and check "MISSIONS" if you are designating it for the Harlem Explorers project. This will go directly to providing the crafts materials and lunch for the students we serve.

4. Ahn Trio Concert for Friday, March 18 ONLY 4 TICKETS LEFT!- Tickets will be sold today for $20. It will be fun and you're getting $30 tickets for $20 because of a generous donation. Please plan on going and bring your friends too. This will be our March fellowship activity.

5. Are you ARTISTIC?? Lent is starting March 9. And this year we will be doing a Stations of the Cross Project. We are asking all artists to give us their interpretation of one station. This project is due Sunday, April 10 and will be displayed at our church for the two weeks prior to Easter, especially Passion Week and Good Friday. Each art display should be a minimum of 20 inches tall. It can be any medium, any style and must include the given scripture passage. If you are interested, please talk to Pastor Rana and get started.

6. BIBLE READING - Please pick up your Bible reading covenant and check our reading schedule at the Bible reading link.

Next Week’s Servants
Presider: Tim Hwang
Scripture Reading: Sharon Lee
Greeter/Bulletin Usher: Yeji Kim
Offering Prayer/Usher: Andrew Yi
Friday Worship(3/11): Jr. High Band
Sunday Worship: Pastor Rana Park
Fellowship Snacks: Freshmen Girls