Saturday, February 26, 2011

Announcements 2/27/2011

1. Welcome to Palisades Church’s Lord’s Day Worship Service! If you are new today, we welcome you in the name of Jesus!

2a. Praise God for an awesome Winter Retreat! Please keep up in the word and standing firm in Christ.
2b. A big thank you to Sharon Lee for a huge donation (a whole week's wages) for our snacks (which are overflowing into our Friday snacks.. woohoo!)

3a. Thank you to everyone (hehe.. Shannon from Sr. high woohoo!) who participated in our Food Bank Community Service yesterday. It was awesome.

3b. New Community Service: From March to June we will be going to Harlem to serve the children there with a Saturday VBS. This will require lots of Sr. High participation for planning (yes, we do it all - run the whole program) so look on our blog for all service dates(Saturday) and planning dates(Fridays). Please sign-up if you're interested in participating in a certain part: Praise & Worship/Body Worship, Arts & Crafts, Games. We will all lead Bible study lessons for the children. Our first one is coming up Saturday, March 26th!
3c. Missions Offering: We are asking you all to prayerfully consider how you will give towards this project. We are funding this whole project out of our PYG Missions offerings. Please place your missions offerings in an envelope and check "MISSIONS" if you are designating it for the Harlem Explorers project. This will go directly to providing the crafts materials and lunch for the students we serve.

4. Friday, March 4 - Hosanna Revival. Please come to church by 6 PM for prompt departure. Please bring your March permission slip and $10 registration.

5. Ahn Trio Concert for Friday, March 18 - Tickets will be sold today for $20. It will be fun and you're getting $30 tickets for $20 because of a generous donation. Please plan on going and bring your friends too. This will be our March fellowship activity.

6. Are you ARTISTIC?? Lent is starting March 9. And this year we will be doing a Stations of the Cross Project. We are asking all artists to give us their interpretation of one station. This project is due Sunday, April 10 and will be displayed at our church for the two weeks prior to Easter, especially Passion Week and Good Friday. Each art display should be a minimum of 20 inches tall. It can be any medium, any style and must include the given scripture passage. If you are interested, please talk to Pastor Rana and get started.

7. BIBLE READING - Please pick up your Bible reading covenant and check our reading schedule at the Bible reading link.

8. Snacks Next Week - Snacks by the Freshmen/Sophomore Boys please. :)

Next Week’s Servants
Presider: Yeji Kim
Scripture Reading: Jason Kim
Greeter/Bulletin Usher: Andrew Yi
Offering Prayer/Usher: Simon Lee
Friday Worship(3/11): Jr. High Band
Sunday Worship: Esther Hwang

March 2011 Update

This email was sent to PYG students and parents on 2/26/11
Hello PYG brothers and sisters!
God has blessed us with an awesome retreat and a new call to truly stand firm in our faith for Christ (1 Corinthians 16:13-14).
I just wanted to remind you of some upcoming events....

(All of this information will also be posted on our blog
You will also find all permission slips, calendar information, photos and weekly announcements at our blog so please check regularly.

1. We will be selling tickets for the Ahn Trio Concert (sister strings trio) on Friday March 18th.
There are $30 tickets sold for $20 (discounted with a generous donation) for the students. Please buy the tickets soon as they will go quickly.
Tickets will be sold in front of the cafeteria during lunch time.

2. Sign-up for Hosanna Revival on Friday, March 4
Please sign-up for the annual New Jersey revival. Registration is $10
Event begins at 7:00 PM. Doors open at 6:30 pm. If we want seats (especially good ones) - we need to leave church by 6 pm. We will return to church by 11 pm at the latest.

3. The Lent Season begins Ash Wednesday, March 9. We will be doing a Stations of the Cross Art Project. If you would like to offer your artistic skills by contributing to this stations of the cross, please talk to pastor Rana. Watch the youtube video below and think about which station you would like to create. Below is a 10 minute video that was used for prayer and devotion so just fast forward through it to see all the stations.

4. Community Service -- New Project: Harlem Explorers
We just completed service at the Food Bank of New Jersey today.
From March to June we will be participating in Harlem by holding a Saturday VBS program for about 30+ children. We will be leading the praise, sermon, Bible study, crafts and will provide lunch.
We have decided to fund this whole project with a special missions offerings by our youth group. Each Sunday from March to June - please use the offering envelope and indicate if the offering should be designated for missions (Harlem Explorers Project). We are setting a goal of $600 for March - June which is the minimum amount of funds needed to serve our brothers and sisters in Harlem. Please be prayerful and decide how much to set aside for a missions offering in these next few months.

5. About Pastor Rana's Maternity Leave
Pastor Rana's daughter should be arriving around Easter. The due date is April 27th but my feeling is she will be early. So most likely I will be gone from Easter Sunday for about one month. If all goes well and recover is good I should be back by Memorial Day weekend.
During this month, Jr and Sr. High will have joint worship services led by our Pastor Paul Hwang.

Important Dates (Please save to your calendar): These dates are always on our blog and updated as changes occur.
-Friday, March 4 Hosanna Revival (Location: Felician College in Lodi, NJ) More information on
Registration: $10
6 PM Depart Church
10:30/11 PM Arrive at Church
-Friday, March 11 7:30 PM-10:00 PM- Worship/Prayer and Preparation for March 26 Harlem Explorers Project (Prepare crafts, Bible study, worship)
-Friday, March 18 Ahn Trio Concert at Bergen PAC Tickets $20
More information about the Ahn Trio
6:45 PM Depart Church
10:30/11 PM Arrive Church
(NO FRIDAY MEETING on March 25th due to Community Service)
-Saturday, March 26 Community Service: Harlem Explorers
9 AM Depart Church
3 PM Arrive Church

Friday, April 1 - Worship, Bible Study and Care Package Preparation for Chaplain Charlie An
As Chaplain An will be going overseas this month, we will be sending care packages the first Friday of each month. Please bring items that you think would be helpful to Chaplain An and his group.
Sunday, April 10 -- Stations of the Cross Art Projects DUE. These will be put on display for the two weeks preceding Easter. Please bring to church by 10 AM.
Friday, April 15 - Stations of the Cross Friday prayer/meditation time
Friday, April 22 - Good Friday Worship
Saturday, April 30 - Community Service: Harlem Explorers

Friday, May 6 - Care Package Preparation for Chaplain Charlie An & Harlem Explorers Preparation
(No Friday meeting May 13)
Saturday, May 14 - Community Service; Harlem Explorers
(No Friday meeting May 20)
Saturday, May 21 - Will Graham Revival (Grandson of Billy Graham, son of Franklin Graham) in Ocean Grove, NJ
6:00 PM Depart Church (Tentative)
11 PM Arrive Church
Friday, May 27 Worship/Bible Study; Harlem Explorers Preparation (Majority will be done here because the SAT's are the following week)

Friday, June 3 Harlem Explorers Preparation
(No Friday Meeting June 10)
Friday, June 11 Community Service: Harlem Explorers

Please save these dates as we want maximum participation in all of our events. And always feel free to invite your friends. If you have any ideas, please let me know. I'm all ears!

As for me, our family will be moving into a new home in Tenafly, NJ so we can prepare for the birth of our 2nd child. Hopefully we'll have a Friday night dinner party at our new home!!

If you have any questions, please email me or call me.

God's Love and Peace to you..
Pastor Rana Park

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Announcements 2/13/11

1. Welcome to Palisades Church’s Lord’s Day Worship Service! If you are new today, we welcome you in the name of Jesus!

2. REGISTER FOR WINTER RETREAT - Please register today for winter retreat in front of the mirror in front of the choir practice room.

3. TODAY - RETREAT Prep in Pastors' Office during lunch. Please work in your assigned teams/assignments. Pastors will be at meeting during lunch.

4. Friday, February 18 - Retreat Preparation and Packing: We will be doing last minute preparation and packing for the retreat. Please come to church by 7:30 pm. We will end as early as possible so that everyone can go home and rest.

5. BIBLE READING - Please pick up your Bible reading covenant and check our reading schedule at the Bible reading link.

6. Snacks Next(NEXT) Week - Next week we're at retreat. The week after (2/27) snacks by the Junior Boys please. :)

Next NEXT Week’s Servants (2/27)
Presider: Brian Choi
Scripture Reading: Esther Hwang
Greeter/Bulletin Usher: Joe Lee
Offering Prayer: Sharon Lee
Offering Usher: Jason Kim
Friday Worship: Jr. High Band
Sunday Worship: Yuni Chang

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Announcements 2/6/11

1. Welcome to Palisades Church’s Lord’s Day Worship Service! If you are new today, we welcome you in the name of Jesus!

2. REGISTER FOR WINTER RETREAT - Please register today for winter retreat in front of the mirror in front of the choir practice room.

3. TODAY - RETREAT Planning Meeting in Room 104 at 1:15-2:00 pm. Please get your lunch and gather ASAP.

4. Friday, February 11 - Retreat Preparation Worship and Prayer Night. Hanniel Jun will lead worship and Pastor Sam Won will be there as well. Please join us! 7:30 p.m. in the worship rom!

5. BIBLE READING - Please pick up your Bible reading covenant and check our reading schedule at the Bible reading link.

6. Snacks Next Week - Will be done by the girls for Valentine's Day! Woohoo!

Next Week’s Servants (2/13)
Presider: David Lee
Scripture Reading: Shannon Park
Greeter/Bulletin Usher: Sharon Lee
Offering Prayer: Brian Choi
Offering Usher: Brian Choi
Friday Worship: Hanniel Jun
Sunday Worship: TBD